30 Item RCI Paper Version
A 30 item, paper version of the RCI has been developed
Following on from a recommendation In response to feedback received through Evaluating the Implementation of the RCI in Irish Mental Health Services (O'Brien, Webb, Stynes, Cosgrave and Ardis, 2015), the RCI has been shortened to a 30 item, paper version. This reduction in items has been achieved through a statistical analysis of the responses of 338 people using mental health services in Ireland. The RCI now comprises two overarching domains, namely 'Personal Supports' and 'Service Supports'. In response to the IT difficulties experienced by many individuals in accessing the RCI during the ARI project, a paper version has been produced. In the meantime, efforts are underway to amend the IT version. Further information on the process used to reduce the number of items can be found here. If you wish to use the RCI contact us on rci@eve.ie.